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Hvordan ansette en flott frilans React.js Developer
React.js is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It is ranked as the 5th most commonly used JavaScript libraries and its popularity is still growing, allowing plenty of room for further growth.
React.js. wasinitially built by a software engineer in Facebook, Jordan Walke, for creating user interfaces in the year 2011. The purpose was to help build large applications with data that keep changing over a period of time.
React.js serves as a receiver and storer of data but this data cannot be extracted for use in contrary to other database systems like SQL. This property is called the “one-way data flow”.
It has a document object model that is virtual. A document object model will have an inbuilt API. Though the source code is unreadable, the core API is exceedingly simple and therefore easy to use.
The language used is JSX, which has a syntax of JavaScript extension. Developers can use plain JavaScript as well. This allows the rendering of data in HTML easily.
Makes building of user interface really easy
It is flexible and can be used alongside different languages, for example Node.js, AngularJS and Rails
High compatibility and works well with Desktop, android, iOS or mobile
What are the qualifications you will look for in a React.js expert?
A basic Bachelors or Master’s degree in Information Technology or Computer Science is recommended. Advanced knowledge in HTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node.js, CSS, HTML5 is expected. Sufficient experience in web development and mobile development is required. In-depth knowledge of React.js through online courses is also recommended.
How will you find your React.js expert?
If you’re looking for a solution for your React.js needs or if you are looking to trial a freelancer to see if they provide the levels of expertise you are looking for, using a platform such as Freelancer.com is a fantastic option.
Simply log onto the Freelancer.com website and search through a bank of talented freelancers who are willing and able to provide their services to you for your project.