Write a small program in Excel (VBA)

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $12
  • Mottatte bidrag: 2


The program needs to ckeck if Google Earth is open. If so, it should ask the user with a message box to close it.
Then, it should open Google Earth with a KML file, given in cell A1 (path \name).
After that, it should create a jpg image of the track, contained in the KML file.
The whole track has to be visible in the jpg file and the view onto the track has to be orthogonal, not tilted. Just the scale ruler has to be visible on the map, no legend or map title. A value in cell A2 defines the zoom level based on the "fit track to screen" zoom level. E.g. a value of 50 would zoom the track to about half of the screen / image.
Close Google Earth at the end.
The first who delivers a working program wins.

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