Excel help

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $10
  • Mottatte bidrag: 17
  • Vinner: IgeS


I need help. I'm sure I could find this formula eventually but I'm in a rush.
First person that gives me the correct sum for Excel wins the prize.
This excel is for a running list of animals in my possession. I buy or breed the animals they go onto the in column and sales or deaths go on the out column.
I need a formula that allows me to either Add or Minus the amount from 2 different cells. I have a column for animals in (Represented by A) one column for animals out (Represented by B) and C is represented as the total.
A1=5 B1= 0 C1=5
A2=0 B2=1 C2=4
A3=1 B3=0 C3=5
A4=2 B4=0 C4=7

My first cells I need is I6 for ins (add), J6 for outs (minus) and K6 for total (sum of either I6 or J6)

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