
  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $200
  • Mottatte bidrag: 10
  • Vinner: aishaelsayed95


Freelancer sheet
We are looking for a freelancer to create a company logo for us and then incorporate it into building a mock-up version of the site in Photoshop. We want you to draw the site exactly as it would look in a web browser.
Expressbitcoinshipping.com is a shipping website specializing in allowing people to send parcels, packages, etc internationally and pay with bitcoin.

Similar websites:

Key requirements and considerations:
-We want the user to be able to send shipments directly from the front page
-Since this is a shipping website, there needs to be a nicely designed͞
“To”͟ and “From ‘͟form to fill out
(feel free to look at similar sites for inspiration)
-Form fields need to include (from and to): name, street, apt/suite, city, state, zip, country, phone number
-Additional form elements: Select package type, weight of package, dimensions (L, W, H)
-Feel free to keep the design nice and simple, or try out more graphics/brochures. You’re the designer!
-Since the site will have multiple other pages, feel free to design one page that fits them all, or design a ͞front hero page/all other pages͟ duo

Deliverables required:
-Photoshop .PSD file(s) for the mock-up
-Separate Photoshop PSD file for the logo in 1080p resolution or greater
-All Photoshop files must be neatly organized, labeled, layered (and sliced if necessary)
-Any custom fonts used must be converted to vectors and name of font must be provided
-Any additional assets (such as stock photos) should have their highest resolution versions attached

Anbefalte ferdigheter

Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“Aysha nailed it! We were given everything we asked for and more! Programmer was very happy with how the files where received. Well done ma'am! DT ”

Profilbilde davidthienes, United States.

Offentlig avklaringstavle

  • hsashankar
    • 6 år siden

    Please protect developers/designers original work. Kindly #sealed

    • 6 år siden
  • hsashankar
    • 6 år siden


    • 6 år siden

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