Safer America for All

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $150
  • Mottatte bidrag: 8
  • Vinner: jureckikarol


I am President of a new non-profit called SAFER AMERICA FOR ALL, INC. We are promoting new state-of-the-art exit sign evacuation technology in active shooting incidents at schools, univeristies, governement buildings and businesses. Our non-profit is raising funds for prevention like training on bullying, sexual harrassment and other hurtful acts that can result in a school shooting.

Safer for America for ALL, Inc. is a clearinghouse for solutions, education, research, and funding related to indoor violence with focus on our nation’s schools and youth.

1. Research and identify effective standardized evacuation communication language and protocol in response to violence in schools and other entities.
2. Educate the public and decision-makers on state-of-the-art technology utilizing artificial intelligent systems and best practices relating to effective evacuations.
3. Engage and promote group and community collaboration, sharing resources and support for law enforcement and first responders.
4. Create a fundraising mechanism to raise funds to educate, demonstrate, and implement these technologies.

We need a logo for Safer America for All. We need graphic design and layout of a logo.

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“Thank you!”

Profilbilde bobbyclarklex, United States.

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  • ashikur199660
    • 4 år siden

    Please make sure #guaranteed .

    • 4 år siden

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