O-Town Garage

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $20
  • Mottatte bidrag: 6
  • Vinner: SammysaurusRex


A hackerspace is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests, often in computers, machining, technology, science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, socialize and collaborate. Hundreds of hackerspaces are located in cities across the world, and we would like to bring it the concept to Odense as we feel it is the perfect city of this type of community.
A Hackerspace’s influence extends to the greater community through open educational workshops, speaker events, ongoing mentorship and offering a welcoming and inclusive community. They are particularly valuable to newly arrived entrepreneurs and freshly graduated students, but open to anyone with a curiosity and will to build, develop and learn.

Mission Statement:
Our mission is to diversify Odense’s tech scene. Our community will be open to anyone, regardless of background, and serve as an alternative learning environment. We hope our members will pioneer new creative ideas and projects, perhaps with potential to evolve into local companies.

Vision Statement:
Become the platform where you can find tools and people to build anything you can imagine.

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“Very easy to communicate and rally agile with the feedback. Would definitely recommend!”

Profilbilde hurciucalina, Denmark.

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