NFT Characters for our NFT Project.

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $100
  • Mottatte bidrag: 11
  • Vinner: Bofas08


Im looking for artists that can create characters for our Bitmart NFT Project. The theme of our NFT project is Crypto Mining, Blockchain & DEFI The Characters can have anything to do with the above, you can choose to create characters that has to do with specific coins and give them names like Lulu Luna or FTM Fantom or Bitcoin Beast and Ether Eel, the choice is yours go crazy. I will upload a few examples of some art we have done but you will need to give your Character the following
1. A name.
2. a Short Description.
3. Fit it in the template provided so it still looks good but not too small.
4. Dont steal artwork off the web it must be created by you.
The Designer that wins will get much more to create for our collection. Let your creativity take over. The NFTs are minted on the Polygon Matic Mainnet and will be loaded onto Opensea. The utility of these NFTs is a card game that will be playable so we will assign attack values to the cards later. You can watch this short youtube video to see what the game will be like .

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Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“Very unique style of artwork will use him again.”

Profilbilde BitmartSA, South Africa.

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  • wagumstd
    • 2 år siden

    hello CH
    view my entry #13
    I hope you like it.

    • 2 år siden
  • hedayfa203
    • 2 år siden

    The character in progress

    • 2 år siden

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