Frilanser: HanneBroter
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User Interface for Linkedinspelet

Hi! New to this site I am entering this contest well aware of the fact that it's really two contests. Your own words: «the winner will be hired to do the full user interface and style guide for us». As an experienced Inhouse Designer and Strategic Brand Manager, I consider the style guide for a website to be the core building blocks for the total visual voice of the enterprise. What the CSS predicts for look and feel, in layout, colors, icons and fonts should be echoed in the total brand of the product. In this field I can contribute strongly to your enterprise. As an interaction designer, I also consider the visual design of an UI to be critically important to the user-friendliness, using knowledge of visual perception to enhance the effectiveness of the game by making it intuitive. For your brand, your UI is the most important touch point, where your brand meets personally with your customer. I am not a programmer. Working with UIs I must co-create with a skilled developer.

Konkurransebidrag #12 i                                                 New game platform look and feel

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