
  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: £25
  • Mottatte bidrag: 6
  • Vinner: davutgonen


I along with two other business colleagues are launching a shared kitchen concept. We will rent a large 6,000 sqft commercial unit and split it up into 20 small kitchens for take away food operators to rent. These are known as cloud or dark kitchens. It saves the food operator renting an expensive, hard to obtain retail unit. We offer flexible terms so if they want to expand they can increase the size of their unit, or if they don't want it any more then can move out. Its like a shared office concert but for food. We will provide the basics like commercial fridge, cooker, extract, fire alarms and internet.

A good example competitor in the USA is:

Anbefalte ferdigheter

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