Lonely Zebra Logo

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $50
  • Mottatte bidrag: 102
  • Vinner: JacobShaw


We are looking for an updated version of our 2015 Lonely Zebra logo. Attached are some images of our old logo. Please notice that on the forehead there is the "L" and "Z" that are nearly interlocked together as our company's initials.

The vision for the updated logo is for a very similar yet different design. The zebra needs to have his classic sunglasses and his "LZ" on the forehead. Aside from that? Impress us! The changes for the face need to be a more rhythmic and realistic line scheme similar to a real zebra and for his mane to look more like a mane. The ears are fine, they just need to be updated. A few directional ideas are for him to have a Hawaiian collared shirt, some sort of circular or stamp like effect behind him as dawn in one of the attachments, add our patented slogan of "Stand Out, Stay Wind" somewhere on the design, etc. This is really up to you all to accomplish and envision!

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Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“@JacobShaw won the contest on 13 January 2018”

Profilbilde TheLonelyZebra, United States.

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