Logo for Poll Watchers Site Needed

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $25
  • Mottatte bidrag: 18
  • Vinner: sethjatayna


Attached is a sample banner image with wording only "Poll Watchers".

We need to keep the colors used in this banner image.

What is needed is a logo using the same colors.

This is for an American patriotic, conservative Christian website www.pollwatchers.org.

We want a completely new logo from any you may find on this website.

This is the 4th contest we've had here on Freelancer. All have been complete and all payments were timely made so you can work with the comforting knowledge that we guaranteed payment and will pay the winning artist.

Anbefalte ferdigheter

Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“Seth Jatayna is the most outstanding graphic artist I have met in over 20 years of working on the internet. He provided all of the variations I asked for and did so quickly, professionally and with great artistic flair. He went not an extra mile but, rather, 100 miles extra with intuitive details that come from artistic genius. For example, he "painted" the fingernails of a female hand - not asked for but a detail showing his cleverness and spirit. Hire Seth - you'll be glad.”

Profilbilde grassrootscc, United States.

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