I need a design for transparent business cards

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: €35
  • Mottatte bidrag: 472
  • Vinner: SHILPIsign


I need a business card for my client.

The business card should be transparent. Attached you will find a picture of a transparent business card. You can use these as inspiration.

Attached you will also find a photo of a business card from him. on this you will find all the information that should be on the new business card. Only the adress has changed. The new one is:

Julius-Leber-Weg 39
21684 Stade

Also print his name on the card: Hassan Chkair

His Titel is: Dachdecker

In the attachment you also find his logo. The business card should be transparent and be in the style of the new logo.

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Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“good work from him”

Profilbilde Cronum216, Germany.

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