Design logo #7422

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $10
  • Mottatte bidrag: 20
  • Vinner: imsso


I want to Design logo for my company:
- Company's name: Action Carpet Cleaning and Restoration
- Business areas: cleaning service
- Color : green and blue
- Logo: has 3 things which placed in the Green Ovan background, view Idea pic attached for more details, just do the same the Idea pics but not like exactly:
+ 1. Green Ovan: has a green background and a rug-like surface because it represents carpet and environmentally friendly (because of the use of non-harmful chemicals), view Carpet reference picture attached for more details.
+ 2. Only 1 letter A is placed on a green Ovan background. Using Time New Romance font to have a foot for expressing stability; the foot of the word is the same as the carpet cleaning (in the carpet vacuum cleaner in the Carpet pics attached) . You design the letter A thick first and slender bar first and a reverse design, mean is, you can add 1 more extra design with a slender letter A in front and a thick bar behind. Remove the horizontal bar of the letter A and stylize it with 2 fabric hairs like the Chemdry logo attached. These 2 fabric hairs are 1 green and 1 blue to parallel.
+ 3. company's name: Action Carpet Cleaning and Restoration is placed under the letter A, still in the green Ovan background, and has a light stain sweeping up the company's name as light streaks have been vacuumed as shown
=> Please use fonts that support Vietnamese

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