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Hi, Can you please give me feedback for the design, so that we can improve it as per your expectations ? Thanks!

Konkurransebidrag #22 i                                                 Design a poster for an event

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  • colmeamonn
    • 5 år siden

    This is really excellent, thanks. Is it possible to make the colours for the map background and Socrates a little "warmer"? Also for the "3-6pm @ Nedlands Rugby Club" - would a slight change in the colour shade or size make it stand out a little more? Thanks. Also can you try adding "presents..." just underneath GPHQ logo? Maybe in yellow? If necessary slightly increase the size of the day and date to make it even size with GPHQ logo and "presents..." Thanks!

    • 5 år siden
    1. satishandsurabhi
      • 5 år siden

      Ok. we will do and send you the updated image soon.

      • 5 år siden
    2. satishandsurabhi
      • 5 år siden

      Please Check my entry #24 , #25 & update your comments. Thanks.

      • 5 år siden