• Status: Closed
  • Premie: €20
  • Mottatte bidrag: 34
  • Vinner: heinzrock3D


We are looking for our new corporate image for the new international Summit brand on Blockchain technology: BlockWorldTour


- Use image attachment (Adobe Illustrator format)
- Black or dark grey background
- Reduce the light source in the middle of the globe
- The word "TOUR" must go under Block World between two lines
- Introduce an airplane in the logo without being a predominant element
- Delete the default text in the Adobe Illustrator image
- The colors of the globe and the words "Block World" and "Tour" must be in gold to obtain a contrast between that color and the black or gray background
- The values that we want to transmit as a marketing strategy are: fortune, professionalism and international

Anbefalte ferdigheter

Arbeidsgivers tilbakemelding

“Perfect designer and great professional!”

Profilbilde BlockWorldTour, Spain.

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