Create a monkey family (very eye catching and cute)

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $20
  • Mottatte bidrag: 3
  • Vinner: datpt1112


I am working on creating a animation series for a monkey family. This is inspired by the peppa pig cartoons on youtube. you can take a look at it to see what peppa pig family looks like. I am going to create cartoon episodes just like peppa pig, but with a monkey family. I need you to design full monkey family characters (Papa monkey, Mommy Monkey, brother monkey, sister monkey, baby monkey)
One of the most important characteristics of the charaters is "BIG DEEP EYES".
you can also use different monkeys for different roles (gorilla for daddy monkey, and some other cuter monkey for baby monkey etc etc.)
The monkey Family lives in the city and daddy and mommy monkey both go to work, all kid monkey go to school. I am providing this info because if you wanted to put clothes on them to make them look cute, that would be fine too.
Remember, big eyes.

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“Dat is a great artist and amazing professionalism. he is very coorperative in nature and will make sure all your reasonable concerns are addressed. Star freelancer”

Profilbilde anup1402, United States.

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  • datpt1112
    • 7 år siden

    Hello, please rate #11. Thanks

    • 7 år siden

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