Frilanser: JaHa1
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Lightweight solution

Check demo here: - Images are always perfect squares - Will change between 3x4 and 4x3 layout depending on screen size - Labels are their own HTML element, so they are easy to modfy - 50px banner is at the bottom - Very lightwight, does not use any CSS/JS frameworks - Uses JS only to change images based on screen size (optional)

Konkurransebidrag #4 i                                                 Are you good at HTML/CSS/JS? Design a Web Page that has 12 images and text, plus optional banners

Offentlig avklaringstavle

  • vw1837624vw
    • 5 år siden

    Hi, this is a good submission. However, it appears that you are hardcoding when it changes from 3x4 to 4x3 to 400px. The requirement is that width>height is the determining factor

    • 5 år siden
    1. JaHa1
      • 5 år siden

      Hi, thansks. However, I don't agree with the hardcoding part. Please check the lines 47-51 in . That @media rule starts with "orientation: portrait". As per CSS specification, it is true when height > width. However, there's a problem with that: What if user's screen size is 300x280, for example? Then width is larger than height so it still uses 4-per-row layout and because the screen is so small there's not enough space for the texts. That's why I added the secondary condition that switches to 3-per-row layout whan user's screen is smaller than 400px wide.

      • 5 år siden