uzairrzahids profilbilde
Medlem siden 2. februar 2018
2 Anbefalinger


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As a Machine Learning and AI developer, I have a strong passion for technology and 5+ years of experience in delivering cutting-edge solutions to clients. My areas of expertise include neural networks, biomedical imaging, and other advanced machine learning techniques. In addition to my technical skills, I am also well-versed in web technologies and have a proven track record of problem-solving using various programming languages. My goal is always to exceed client expectations and ensure that their satisfaction is my top priority. If you are looking for a dedicated and skilled developer who can deliver desired outcomes, please do not hesitate to hire me.
$50 USD/hr
108 omtaler
  • 95%Jobber fullført
  • 85%På budsjett
  • 84%Punktlighet
  • 23%Gjenta ansettelsespris


Nylige omtaler


Senior Researcher

Dec 2019

Working as a researcher in the field of Biomedical Imaging, Signal Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Research Assistant

Jan 2018

I am working a project which involves object tracking and localization using live video feed from camera which will be used to help visually blind people.

Research Assistant

Apr 2017 - Sep 2017 (5 months)

I was involved in development of a portable, remote respiratory and physical activity monitoring system.


MS Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing and Machine Learning)

2016 - 2018 (2 years)

BS Telecom

2012 - 2016 (4 years)


Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2018)



Robust R-Peak Detection in Low-Quality Holter ECGs using 1D Convolutional Neural Network

In this study, a novel implementation of the 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used integrated with a verification model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed systematic approach achieves 99.30% F1-score, 99.69% recall, and 98.91% precision in CPSC-DB, which is the best R-peak detection performance ever achieved. Results also demonstrate similar or better performance than most competing algorithms on MIT-DB with 99.83% F1-score, 99.85% recall, and 99.82% precision.

Robust Peak Detection for Holter ECGs by Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks

In this study, to further boost the peak detection performance along with an elegant computational efficiency, we propose 1D Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks (Self-ONNs) with generative neurons. The experimental results over the China Physiological Signal Challenge-2020 (CPSC) dataset show that the proposed 1D Self-ONNs can significantly surpass the state-of-the-art deep CNN with less computational complexity.

Global ECG Classification by Self-Operational Neural Networks with Feature Injection

Global (inter-patient) ECG classification for arrhythmia detection over Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is a challenging task for both humans and machines. The main reason is the significant variations of both normal and arrhythmic ECG patterns among patients. In this study, we propose a novel approach for inter-patient ECG classification using a compact 1D Self-ONN by exploiting morphological and timing information in heart cycles.


  • Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
  • US English Level 1


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