Prepare a report for project with full project scope, detailed technical scopes and RFP

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $50
  • Mottatte bidrag: 1


I am looking hire developers for this project. I need help to create a full project scope, detailed technical scopes and make sure RFP has all the information to give a clear picture of the project and what needs to happen.

1) Design a nice looking rfp
2) The project needs to be clear
3) All features need to detailed with technical details
4) Break down the different things needed for the project
5) I will be using this document to hire and complete project
6) UI/UX

Please review Dropbox folder the full detail

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  • sumaiya505
    • 5 år siden

    Working on it, please wait for my entry

    • 5 år siden

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