Photos & logo for Business Website

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $50
  • Mottatte bidrag: 30


I need pictures for a business website. The business is a consulting firm focused on engineering and business solutions. Services include Lean Six Sigma Project support, equipment design and troubleshooting, project management, product development and life-cycle management, marketing and sales. The pictures will be used to represent the service types above as well as the main welcome page. For the welcome page picture, I need something that shows team work and a learning environment. I addition to pictures I need a logo. The name of the firm is Strabella Consulting. "Stra" is for strategic and "Bella" is in honor of my beloved dog. The word "strabella" is an Italian word meaning elegance and beauty.

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“Graphic G. is very accommodating and willing to help. He is very quick to respond to requests and he does an excellent job. He is very open to feedback and he keeps the communication going.”

Profilbilde alinelanna, United States.

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