Contact and follow up forms

  • Status: Closed
  • Premie: $15
  • Mottatte bidrag: 5
  • Vinner: AkS0409


I need 2 fillable forms created. One form is a weekly Research Form. On this form I need 3 sections.
The first section I need "Week of", "Promoter Name", and "Region".
The 2nd section I need columns for "Today's Date", "Club/ Event Name", "Address", "Website", Social Media pages" "Approved/ Rejected" , "Date", "Reason/ Notes"
The 3rd section is locked for Administration Only.. "Manager Name" "Date"
I would like for the columns "Approve/ Rejected", "Date", "Reasons/ Notes" locked for Admin as well

The 2nd form is like a CRM contact form. I need 2 sections for this form
The first section I need Promoter Name, Region, Club Name, Address, Contact Person, Email, Phone #, Website, Social Media Pages
The second section is for the contact log. I need columns for
Contact Date, Method of contact, Recipient, Notes, Results of Contact, Follow up date.

Add the Jenny20 logo to the top of the form and either one of the Nthalyfe logo to the bottom of the form

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