Hei, jeg er Ava, din KI-guide for å superlade virksomheten din!
Enten du allerede driver en virksomhet eller drømmer om å starte en, er jeg her for å gjøre visjonen din til virkelighet ved hjelp av KI-drevne frilansere. Del forretningsmålene dine med meg, og sammen lager vi et prosjekt som våre talentfulle frilansere kan by på. La oss gjøre visjonen din til virkelighet!
Jeg har en virksomhet
Jeg starter en bedrift
Noe gikk galt mens du sendte samtalen til e-posten din. Prøv igjen senere.
Du kan bare lagre samtalen en gang i timen. Prøv igjen senere.
Samtalen din er for kort. Fortsett å chatte med Ava for å aktivere lagring.
Kopiering til utklippstavlen mislyktes. Prøv igjen etter å ha justert tillatelsene dine.
Kopiert til utklippstavlen.
Want to make sure you attract the best freelancers for your project? Check out these 5 tips.
Writing a clear and comprehensive project description is the first step to ensuring you find an aligned freelancer for your needs. Detailed descriptions help freelancers assess your requirements and decide why and whether they should bid on the project as opposed to others. So take care when writing details so these important elements can be captured properly by interested bidders.
Now, follow these 5 tips and watch the talent roll into your projects:
Introduce Yourself or Your Business: The freelancer should know what your business does and its mission. But don’t drone on…well-written, one line introductions go a long way. They ensure potential freelancers can quickly capture the essence of what you do.
Specify the purpose of the project: Imagine you were told to ‘build a website’. Without knowing whether it’s for a product or service, whether it’s meant to generate sales or conversations - you could end up with some wacky results. So instead of saying “I want a website”, it makes more sense to say something like: “I want to build a website optimised for an online shoe store where I can take online payments, respond to customer inquiries, and track changes in stock.” Freelancers are more likely to produce stellar work if they know where to focus their efforts and exactly how their skills should be applied.
Share your goals: So you’ve got the vision - but does your freelancer? Make sure you share your desired outcomes with your freelancer in as much detail as possible. For example, if you’re hiring an SEO specialist you could provide a percentage improvement that you’re aiming for when it comes to your website’s ranking. Or if you’re hiring a video editor - specify what sort of tone, feelings, cuts, and colours you want in your video. This enables the freelancer to deliver a project tailored exactly to what you're looking for. No more scoping through irrelevant submissions.
Declare a deadline: This is a great way to weed out the freelancers who can’t meet your timeframe - and more importantly, call in the ones who can.
Attach extra resources for the freelancer: You might like to give your freelancer liberty to work with a wide range of design styles. Maybe you’d prefer they stay within certain constraints. Any resources or toolkits that you’d like your freelancer to use or abide by should be attached to the project for their reference (i.e. website URLs and branding kits).
When you’ve crafted that compelling description, just sit back and watch the quality bids roll in from the best freelancers. Post your project today at Freelancer.com.